The many uses of a prefold

Prefolds are great.  They are super absorbent, super soft and they have many many uses.  We love prefolds and here’s a short list of 30 great uses for a prefold, some for when you are past the baby stage. 

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What's really in your nappies?

When you think about what your baby is wearing everyday, I bet you don't consider all the chemicals and toxins that could be in their nappies, and the health effects this might cause.  So what are those toxins and are they really that harmful?
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How do disposable nappies rate? Which is best?

A re-post of a blog written by a mother of two who used disposable nappies on her children.  Real Nappies is predominately a cloth nappy company, but we also understand that sometimes there is a need for disposable nappies (such as long distance travel).  So, when that time comes, you want to make sure that your child is still wearing the healthiest nappy available.  This post should help you to see what options are out there that might align with your needs...

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